Opposition Weighing In
GAPA is Strong and Alive
With 143 cosponsors, the Great Ape Protection Act (H.R. 1326)
continues to gain support. Meanwhile, opposition to the bill is beginning to become vocal — a sign that they are starting to get that this bill 'has legs!'
“We are ready for the opposition’s point of view," says NEAVS/Project R&R Executive Director Dr. Theodora Capaldo. She adds, "And that is all it is, a point of view, without scientific :
“We are ready for the opposition’s point of view," says NEAVS/Project R&R Executive Director Dr. Theodora Capaldo. She adds, "And that is all it is, a point of view, without scientific :
or economic : http://www.releasechimps.org/mission/end-chimpanzee-research/economic-waste/ foundation. We have powerful legislators who want to hear both sides of the story. Our members and compassionate citizens everywhere can take pride in having helped fueled this debate. Opposition to the bill underscores the bill’s progress — gaining the support of thousands of citizens http://www.releasechimps.org/take-action/sign-the-petition/, scientists http://neavs.convio.net/site/PageServer?pagename=Petition_ScientificAcademia_RR, and government leaders — and it informs us that the opposition is getting that, yes indeed, this really is happening.” Read more...
Project R&R On the Road

NEAVS/Project R&R, represented by Dr. Capaldo, attended a meeting of leaders from the sanctuary community, animal protection organizations, and the zoo community to discuss strategic plans for providing sanctuary to great apes rescued from research once the Great Ape Protection Act passes into law. Dr. Capaldo’s presentation, entitled “An Economic Analysis of Chimpanzee Housing and Maintenance in U.S. Laboratories and Sanctuaries,” demonstrated the economic benefits of transferring chimpanzees from federally supported laboratories into sanctuary. Read more...
Project R&R On the Road

NEAVS/Project R&R, represented by Dr. Capaldo, attended a meeting of leaders from the sanctuary community, animal protection organizations, and the zoo community to discuss strategic plans for providing sanctuary to great apes rescued from research once the Great Ape Protection Act passes into law. Dr. Capaldo’s presentation, entitled “An Economic Analysis of Chimpanzee Housing and Maintenance in U.S. Laboratories and Sanctuaries,” demonstrated the economic benefits of transferring chimpanzees from federally supported laboratories into sanctuary. Read more...
In this photo: sanctuary and animal protection organization leaders and associates.
Back row left to right: Jennifer Feuerstein, Save the Chimps; Linda May, Arcus Foundation; Erna Toback, HSUS; Kay Farmer, Arcus Foundation; Theodora Capaldo, EdD, NEAVS/Project R&R; Gloria Grow, Fauna Foundation; Jennifer Ball, HSUS; Lee Theisen-Watt, APES. Front row left to right: Steve Ross, Lincoln Park Zoo; Linda Brent, Chimp Haven; Kathleen Conlee, HSUS; Laura Bonar, Animal Protection of New Mexico; Lesley Day, Chimps, Inc.; Sarah Baeckler, CSNW. Not available for photo; April Truitt, Primate Rescue Center and Patti Ragan, Center for Great Apes. Photo © Chimp Haven

At a March meeting of the Animal Law Practice Group of the Massachusetts Bar Association, NEAVS' President Theodora Capaldo, EdD joined a panel of experts including Steve Neimi, DVM, Director of the Center for Comparative Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and Chair of the Board of the Massachusetts Society for Medical Research (MSMR), and Valerie Parkinson, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Manager at Tufts University to discuss Animals in Laboratories: What is the Legal Framework and is it Sufficient? Read more...
Members like you help spread the word!!

Thank you to our supporters who have helped us spread the word by funding print and radio outreach ads. Most recently, for example, our ‘Regis economic ad’ (seen here) ran in The Times and Democrat, reaching thousands of readers in the South Carolina area.
To find out how you can sponsor free or paid print ads
In this photo: sanctuary and animal protection organization leaders and associates.
Back row left to right: Jennifer Feuerstein, Save the Chimps; Linda May, Arcus Foundation; Erna Toback, HSUS; Kay Farmer, Arcus Foundation; Theodora Capaldo, EdD, NEAVS/Project R&R; Gloria Grow, Fauna Foundation; Jennifer Ball, HSUS; Lee Theisen-Watt, APES. Front row left to right: Steve Ross, Lincoln Park Zoo; Linda Brent, Chimp Haven; Kathleen Conlee, HSUS; Laura Bonar, Animal Protection of New Mexico; Lesley Day, Chimps, Inc.; Sarah Baeckler, CSNW. Not available for photo; April Truitt, Primate Rescue Center and Patti Ragan, Center for Great Apes. Photo © Chimp Haven

At a March meeting of the Animal Law Practice Group of the Massachusetts Bar Association, NEAVS' President Theodora Capaldo, EdD joined a panel of experts including Steve Neimi, DVM, Director of the Center for Comparative Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and Chair of the Board of the Massachusetts Society for Medical Research (MSMR), and Valerie Parkinson, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Manager at Tufts University to discuss Animals in Laboratories: What is the Legal Framework and is it Sufficient? Read more...
Members like you help spread the word!!

Thank you to our supporters who have helped us spread the word by funding print and radio outreach ads. Most recently, for example, our ‘Regis economic ad’ (seen here) ran in The Times and Democrat, reaching thousands of readers in the South Carolina area.
To find out how you can sponsor free or paid print ads
or run a radio PSA http://www.releasechimps.org/take-action/sponsor-our-radio-public-service-announcement-psa/
, click on the links or email info@neavs.org
our communications department.

or run a radio PSA http://www.releasechimps.org/take-action/sponsor-our-radio-public-service-announcement-psa/
, click on the links or email info@neavs.org
our communications department.

Humane Science for all 50 States ...

NEAVS’ Ethical Science and Education Coalition (ESEC) http://neavs.org/esec/index.htm
continues to support compassionate students through state legislation concerning dissection choice laws and policies.
Most recently, we submitted a letter of testimony on behalf of Connecticut’s H.B. No. 5423, which seeks to encourage humane education in the curriculum of public schools.
H.B. 5423 would place Connecticut with 15 other states http://neavs.org/esec/legislation/legislation_index.htm
that have passed similar laws and resolutions, helping to save the lives of more than 10 million animals a year who are killed for dissection classes; providing students with humane, modern, and effective education alternatives like computer and simulated models; saving the state valuable resources and dollars; and allowing caring students the opportunity to pursue careers in humane science.
If you are a resident of CT, please contact your State Representative http://neavs.convio.net/site/PageServer?pagename=releasechimps_home

and urge him/her to support H.B. 5423 (follow the link and enter your zip code or address; choose the 'State' tab on the top).

Romeo, a vet school rescue

Romeo, a vet school rescue
U Michigan ends dog surgeries/use
The College of Veterinary Medicine at Michigan State University (MSU) recently announced that starting in Fall 2010, they will no longer use live dogs in their surgery training program for veterinary students. In these “terminal surgery labs,” live dogs are used for student surgery practice and then euthanized. Around 140 dogs were killed in the program in 2009. Today roughly 50% of veterinary schools in the U.S. no longer require terminal surgery labs and instead use humane alternatives such as ethically sourced animal cadavers, manikins, computer programs, or perform spay and neuter operations on animals at local shelters.

Dr. Christopher Brown, Dean
College of Veterinary Medicine
Michigan State University
G-100 Veterinary Medical Center
East Lansing, MI 48824-1314
Put your
BEST paw
this Spring...
donate to NEAVS
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