Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Great Gifts for the Chimps/Superbes cadeaux pour les chimpanzés

All the chimps' favourite stuff from Sonia Boulet & Roger Roy
Tous les jouets et articles favoris des chimpanzés de la part de Sonia Boulet et Roger Roy

Marie-Josee Methot....all sorts of fun stuff!!
Marie-Josée Methot... plein de choses intéressantes!!

Heather Taylor, the stuffed chimpanzee is just amazing...
Heather Taylor, le chimpanzé en peluche est tout simplement super...

Lyne Charron one of faunas longtime volunteers brought some great things...all the chimps love the back scratchers, especially Rachel. And Pepper loves to clean with the flowered brushes!
Lyne Charron, l'une de nos bénévoles de longue date a amené de belles choses... Tous les chimpanzés adorent les "grattes-dos", surtout Rachel. Et Pepper aime bien nettoyer avec les brosses fleuries!

In honor of World Aids Day

Project R&R: Release and Restitution for Chimpanzees in U.S. Laboratories

Yoko © Fauna Foundation (see story below)

In Honor of World AIDS Day

"I have lost friends, teachers, and colleagues to this disease. Today I watch with those who are waiting for a cure. In loving recognition, I ask that we move towards humane and scientifically superior research that will give all of us the promise of an end to HIV/AIDS." - Karen S., NEAVS staff

NEAVS/Project R&R continues to advocate for better science. In honor of World AIDS Day, a day of international awareness about HIV and AIDS, we are asking our supporters to reach out to their Representatives in support of the Great Ape Protection Act (H.R.1326), a bill to end chimpanzee research.Great http://www.releasechimps.org/mission/change-laws/the-great-ape-protection-act/

Why today?

The use of chimpanzees was once hailed as “the key” to a cure for AIDS. Yet AIDS continues to kill millions worldwide, in spite of the large number of chimpanzees bred and historically used in HIV/AIDS research. http://www.releasechimps.org/harm-suffering/research-current/hivaids-debacle/

Today, HIV research using chimpanzees represents an extremely small, nearly non-existent percent of all HIV research – an admission by scientists that the chimpanzee model of AIDS/HIV is a failure. Still, a few studies backed by federal funding continue.

Please contact your legislator and ask them to support the Great Ape Protection Act (H.R. 1326) by signing on as a cosponsor. If they have already signed on as a cosponsor, please thank them.

To find your legislator, click here : http://neavs.convio.net/site/PageServer?pagename=FindElectedOfficials
To see if they are already signed on, click here. http://my.neavs.org/site/DocServer/2009_great_ape_cosponsors.pdf?docID=161

Despite the failure of chimpanzee use to prevent or cure HIV/AIDS, some researchers are calling for a return of their use to study the disease. “An Assessment of the Role of Chimpanzees in AIDS Vaccine Research,” http://www.releasechimps.org/pdfs/chimpanzees-and-human-cancer-research.pdf published in 2008 and authored by Project R&R’s Science Director and geneticist Jarrod Bailey, Ph.D., investigated chimpanzees use in HIV/AIDS vaccine development. This paper: http://www.releasechimps.org/flawed-science/dangerous-and-unnecessary/the-case-to-end-chimpanzee-research/ demonstrated that a return to chimpanzee use would be not only non-productive, but even counterproductive to scientific progress in preventing and conquering AIDS.

Touched by HIV/AIDS:
the story of one HIV research survivor

Purchased from a circus at age 7, Yoko http://www.releasechimps.org/chimpanzees/their-stories/yoko/was sent to the Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Primates in 1981. He was used extensively in research and infected with both HIV and hepatitis C – today he tests negative for both. Why? Although HIV can replicate in their bodies, chimpanzees infected with HIV do not become sick with symptoms of AIDS.

Now in sanctuary at Fauna, Yoko has become very social and can often be found in a grooming circle of friends. A fast runner who loves to play chase, he is a very small adult male, but what he lacks in size he makes up for in personality.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Dearly Departed/Chers défunts

It is with great regret that we must announce the parting of our sweet little guinea pig Squeak Squeak...he got his name, because, every morning when we went up to feed him he greeted us by standing up at the top of the stairs squeaking at us non stop until we acknowledged him and said hi...we will miss his little quarks very much.

C'est avec grand regret que nous vous annonçons le décès de notre adorable petit cochon d'Inde Squeak Squeak... Son nom lui a été donné parce-qu'à tous les matins lorsque nous allions le nourrir il nous accueillait tout en haut de l'escalier en faisant des petits "squeak" jusqu'à ce qu'on lui dise bonjour... Ces petits bruits nous manqueront beaucoup.

Unfortunately Melodie our goat that came from the Quebec city zoo has also passed. An Ultrasound was performed, as well as, cultures and blood tests sent. Melodie was a perfect patient, and we were thankful for the special attention she received in the end. Melodie was diagnosed with Caseous Lymphadenitis; a chronic disease of the lymph system. Nodes caused by a bacteria, a chronic disease that is incurable. Symptoms are similar to those of tuberculosis. When Melodie arrived at Fauna she had already been having serious problems. She only spent two years with us and was a favorite of all. Melancolie, her Mother, as well as all of fauna will miss her dearly.

Malheureusement Melodie, notre chèvre qui provenait du zoo de Québec, nous a également quitté. Un ultrason a été effectué en plus de cultures et de formules sanguines. Melodie était une patiente exemplaire et nous sommes heureux de toute l'attention qu'elle a obtenu au cours de cette période. Une maladie chronique du système lymphatique a été identifiée. Les nodules ont été causés par une bactérie engendrant ainsi une maladie chronique incurable. Les symptômes sont semblables à la turberculose. Lorsque Melodie arriva à Fauna, elle avait déjà des problèmes graves. Elle vécut parmis nous deux années et elle était aimée de tous. Elle manquera à Mélancolie, sa mère, et toute l'équipe de Fauna.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Correction Requested to Readers Digest Article Refused

In the latest issue of Readers Digest there was a statement published that was not accurate, Gloria Grow founder of the Fauna Foundation requested the following correction to be printed in the next issue, however, we were told the article was fine and that it would not be printed.

To: Robert Goyette, Editor in Chief
From: Gloria Grow, founder, Fauna Foundation

Dear Mr. Goyette,

It is very much appreciated if you would print the following letter/correction in your next issue. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you. Gloria Grow


In her article “Retirement Refuge,” Anne Mullens gives readers a glimpse into the lives of chimpanzees rescued from research and Fauna Foundation’s mission. I would like to make one correction. Ms. Mullens wrote: “ [Gloria Grow] acknowledges that in some cases, to save human or even chimp lives, it may be impossible to do away with all medical research on chimpanzees.” This is inaccurate. I work to rescue chimps from labs and to end the use of all chimpanzees in research because I do not believe their sacrifice has been necessary or beneficial to humans. Several scientific papers attest to the reality that research on chimpanzees has not helped in our quest for an AIDS vaccine, understanding or treating cancer and other diseases, nor, in the vast majority of cases, ever cited in papers regarding human health. Further, field study in Africa is leading to information on their own health without harm or confinement to them. I and others believe that ending laboratory research on chimpanzees will have no negative implications for human health and would free up funding for more productive research.


It would most certainly help out if Readers digest would know that this retraction is important and must be published. Let them kindly know that this must be taken care of immediately.

Pepper's Birthday/L'anniversaire de Pepper

It is Pepper's 39th birthday today December 3rd. Pepper has not had an easy life. She was either born in the lab or wild caught as an infant. Her records have not let us determine her exact origin. Pepper was moved around to various research facilities until she ended up at LEMSIP in 1984 at the age of fourteen. Pepper is still terrified to this day to be confined to small spaces. Pepper is a sweet tender chimpanzee that has her very special human friends and her very best friend Sue Ellen; they are inseparable. She adores spending her time in the warm sun out on the islands picking fresh leaves and blades of grass. With the colder weather she enjoys her big cozy beds in the front window.

Make someone happy and Adopt Pepper as a special Christmas gift!

C'est l'anniversaire de Pepper qui célèbre aujourd'hui, le 3 décembre, ses 39 ans. Pepper n'a pas connu une vie facile. Née en laboratoire ou capturée enfant, malheureusement son dossier ne nous laisse aucun indice au sujet de ses origines. Pepper a été en transition dans plusieurs établissements de recherche jusqu'au moment ou elle arriva à LEMSIP en 1994 à l'âge de 14 ans. À ce jour, Pepper est terrifiée de se retrouver dans des endroits restraints.

Elle est tellement douce et adorable. Miss Pepper a plusieurs amis humains et sa copine préférée est Sue Ellen. Elles sont inséparables. De vraie siamoises. Elle adore passer du temps sur les îles sous le soleil chaud à sélectionner de jeunes pousses et des herbes. Par temps plus froid, elle aime bien s'emmitouffler dans ses lits douillets près de la fenêtre avant.

À Noel, offrez en cadeau une adoption de Pepper à quelqu'un qui vous est cher!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas wish list for our little Monkeys/Liste de cadeaux de Noel pour les petits singes

- Set of 3 tennis balls (in container)
- Freezable baby teethers
- Fisher Price Brilliant Basics Rock-A-Stack
- Ultra Kong - various sizes (black, not red)
- Jolly Ball - scented, unscented, large, small
- Rubbermaid Microwave Heatables dish with multiple sections
- Small Sippy Cups
- Cat Nail Clippers (scissor type)
- Plastic Chewable Dog Bones (NylaBone)
- Small carpets (bathroom mat types)
- Plastic balls with holes in them for nuts

Liste de cadeaux de Noël pour les petits singes:

- Jeu de 3 balles de tennis balls (dans un boîtier)
- Anneaux de dentition pour bébé (pouvant être congelés)
- Jeu ‘Brilliant Basics Rock-A-Stack’ de Fisher Price
- Ultra Kong – de grandeurs variées (de couleur noire seulement)
- Jolly Ball – parfumée, sans parfum, de taille grande et petite
- Plats multisectionels à réchauffer au four micro-ondes de Rubbermaid
- Petits tasses avec couvercle à bec verseur (sippy cup)
- Couple-ongles pour chat (de type ciseau)
- Os à ronger en caoutchouc (pour chien)
- Petites couvertures en molleton
- Tapis de salle de bain

Seattle Metropolitan magazine article on CSNW

Why Is This Chimp Smiling?

Seven apes arrived last year in Cle Elum. They’d been used up by medical science and the entertainment industry—and left to rot in tiny cages. Then one man showed them the depths of human kindness.....

Click below for the full story http://www.seattlemet.com/issues/archives/articles/chimpanzee-sanctuary-northwest-1209/

Why Is This Chimp Smiling?

Sept chimpanzés sont arrivés l'an dernier à Cle Elum. Ils ont été utilisés par le domaine de la science médicale et l'industrie du divertissement - et laissés dans leur cage pour y mourir. Puis un homme leur montra l'étendue de la bonté humaine. Cliquez sur le lien ci-haut pour l'histoire intégrale...