This is an amazing site that has a lot of information, such as, companies that have pledged to never use primates in their publicity, Accredited zoos and Chimpanzee Species Survival Plan (SSP) legislation and much more....check it out!! ChimpCare
Today in the United States there are over 2,000 chimpanzees living in a variety of circumstances: from zoos (both accredited and non-accredited), laboratories and sanctuaries to lives as pets and performers under private ownership. While many of these chimpanzees enjoy appropriate care and management and the security of long-term housing, many others do not. Furthermore, there is very little known about many of these chimpanzees, and there has been relatively little communication between these communities.
Project ChimpCARE is a non-partisan group committed to improving the wellbeing of chimpanzees, regardless of current circumstances, and opening the lines of communications between disparate groups to achieve this singular goal. Our objectives are based on the approach that accurate information is the basis for effective change. We seek to:
•Facilitate information-sharing to improve the care of chimpanzees in their current housing and into the future
•Provide information to those looking to improve facilities or management for those seeking translocation of their chimpanzees
•Collect information on care and management strategies
•Share information and educate the public on the pressing issues of captive chimpanzee care
•Advocate support for a system of sustainable housing for chimpanzees, to ensure lifetime care for these individuals
The future for many chimpanzees in the United States is uncertain. Legislation is changing. Finances are unstable. Project ChimpCARE seeks to collaborate with anyone invested in caring for chimpanzees and to build a better future for chimpanzees.
Steve Ross is the project leader of ChimpCARE. He has over 15 years of experience working with chimpanzees in a variety of captive settings. He has authored over 25 papers on chimpanzee behavior and welfare and is the co-editor of "The Mind of the Chimpanzee" (University of Chicago Press).
Vivian Vreeman is the project coordinator of ChimpCARE. She holds degrees from Loyola University in Chicago and Wageningen University in the Netherlands. She has worked with chimpanzees for over 6 years.
You can reach Project ChimpCARE at
Project ChimpCARE is generously funded by the Arcus Foundation and hosted by Lincoln Park Zoo.