Thursday, September 24, 2009
Fauna Foundation Chimpaznees on National Geograhic
Chimpanzees. They're our closest genetic relatives, with DNA over 98% the same as ours. Chimpanzees can learn from those around them in ways many other animals can't -- and when they're captive, they become even more human-like. But is a new form of chimp evolving in captivity?
Read more:
Check in your area for local listings.
Titus the Gorilla King is Dead

Daniel Howden in Rwanda mourns David Attenborough's silverback, who changed the way the world sees great apes
by Daniel Howden
Before the king's burial, his subjects take their time to clean his body. It is not a ritual that should be lightly interfered with and, as the mighty, fallen monarch receives his last ablutions, medical personnel are keeping a respectuful distance.
Titus, the most studied and photographed ape in history, has died.
The king was a gorilla called Titus. Although he had been deposed by his son, death seemed to have restored him to his full glory. The mighty silverback was once the dominant head of a tight-knit group of the great apes whose kingdom was on the eastern slopes of the Karisoke volcano in Rwanda's border lands, and a vital figure in the battle for the survival of the species.
Rosette Rugamba, head of tourism and national parks in Rwanda, said: "The other gorillas are mourning. They are cleaning him. You have to be very careful. You can't just remove the body." The Rwanda national parks office said the 450lb, 35-year-old gorilla had "succumbed to old age" after a short illness.
Officials described Titus as "possibly the most remarkable gorilla ever known", referring to his rise to dominance of he largest known group of gorillas in the world. And Sir David Attenborough, the naturalist who was famously upstaged by Titus when the gorilla, then five, climbed on his back, said yesterday he was sorry that Titus should have died when he was still "quite young". He added: "He was a charming little animal. Certainly, it was very memorable and I haven't been allowed to forget it."
Titus was given his name by the great US primatologist Dian Fossey, who came to the Mikeno chain of volcanoes in the 1970s to conduct a census of the great apes. Over two decades in Rwanda, she followed a group led by a male she had named "Uncle Bert" after a relative.
In 1974, Fossey gave one of Bert's offspring the name Titus. Ten years later, the primatologist was murdered in her Rwandan forest cabin, possibly because of her work opposing the exploitation of the animals. She was buried at the Karisoke Research Centre, which continues that work. In the years that followed, Titus became possibly the most photographed and studied gorilla in history.
One of the first of a generation of apes whose lives have been documented since birth, Titus left a remarkable record that has demonstrated how far human understanding of gorilla behaviour has come. For Titus, fame first came with his part in the film of Fossey's life, Gorillas In The Mist and latterly as the star of a recent BBC documentary The Gorilla King.
Ian Redmond, who worked with Fossey and later with Sigourney Weaver, who played her in the biopic, remembered his first meeting with the ape when the latter film was released last year. "Titus is special to me because he's the first gorilla I ever saw," he said. "As I approached this thicket, I saw this little black furry thing which was Titus being chased by his brother. It was like joining a family picnic - it was quite something."
But upon his birth in August 1974, Titus was initially thought to be an underdeveloped baby with little chance of survival. The environment gave little cause for optimism. His uncle Digit, who was Fossey's favourite gorilla, was killed by poachers in 1978, and had his head and hands hacked off; gorillas were often killed for the ornamental value of their skulls and paws. The same poachers later returned to slaughter Titus's father, Bert.
When Titus met Attenborough at the age of five, he was effectively an orphan, in a group with no silverback. But he survived. And later, after several years in a bachelor group, Titus eventually ascended to lead a mixed clan known as the "Beetsme" group, named for a former dominant male. Titus is thought to have sired more offspring than any other gorilla recorded. He is also credited with guiding his group out of danger during Rwanda's 1994 genocide.
Titus led the Beetsme group for 15 years. But gradually - in a tale of filial ambition worthy of Shakespeare - Titus's son, Kuryama, usurped him at the head of the group. Eventually, Titus accepted it. But he retained his affectionate entourage, who continued to groom him as he followed in his son's wake.
Now tourists will pay $500 for permits to see the great apes, Kuryama's leadership is likely to be a different era. Before Fossey's arrival in the region, though, the gorilla population was on course for extinction. The population of mountain gorillas is still endangered, but it has now stabilised. It was the battle for their survival that may have eventually claimed Fossey's life. Her murder has never been solved, but nor has her legacy expired, a legacy Titus lived out, and which, it is hoped, his tenuously surviving clan will continue to prove.
Although officials have refused to confirm the arrangements, it is likely that Titus will also be laid to rest at Karisoke, near the woman who gave him his name.
World Peace Day from Jane Goodall
On this day last year almost 200 Giant Peace Doves flew on six continents, in 35 countries in more than 100 cities around the world. This year there are Roots & Shoots International Day of Peace celebrations planned in cities across the globe, including a variety of events in the United States and Canada.
Find Roots & Shoots International Day of Peace events in your area.
If you can’t attend a Peace Day event, consider one of the following ways to get involved:
Plan a project or celebration to promote peace initiatives.
· Gather a group of family and friends and write down personal pledges to do your part to make the world more peaceful this year. Save the pledges and plan to meet next year to talk about your progress and renew your pledges.
· Organize and lead a nature appreciation walk to educate your community, friends and family about local flora and fauna.
· Visit our website at to find out about other projects that promote peace.
· Plan your own Peace Day event—a parade, a school gathering or a dramatic or musical performance.
Share your projects and Peace Day plans with the world.
· Invite your classmates, friends and family to take part in your project or Peace Day celebration. Post news about your project or celebration in a public location at your school or meeting place. Write to your local newspapers and television stations and tell them about your ongoing peace projects or your successful Peace Day event. Don’t forget to keep us in the loop, too, by emailing us at
Make and fly a Giant Peace Dove
· For instructions in how to make one of these amazing recycled-art creations, please see the puppet instructions located on the Roots & Shoots website. Send photos of your Dove to for inclusion in the 2009 Roots & Shoots International Day of Peace Book. Celebrate and report your successes!· Reflect and embrace your peace-building accomplishments. Submit a project report at Thank you so much for participating in Peace Day! Sincerely, Jane Goodall, Ph.D., DBE Founder, the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace
Celebrate and report your successes!
Thank you so much for participating in Peace Day!
Jane Goodall, Ph.D., DBE Founder, the Jane Goodall Institute &
Friday, September 18, 2009
12th anniversary/ 12ième anniversaire
Friday, September 11, 2009
Project R&R e-Buzz
Full effort is full victory.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Thank you for volunteering!
September/October Goals
• Rev up the Reps: When the House of Representatives returns in early September, we are asking our GAPA volunteers to:
» Call your representative between September 14th - 18th and ask them to support H.R. 1326 by becoming a cosponsor or thank them if they are already on board. To view a current list of cosponsors click here.
» Ask at least three other of your Rep's constituents (e.g. friends, family, neighbors) in your area to do the same.
» Finally, please email us to let us know you have made your call. This way, we can make sure all regions are covered!
• PSA Push: Help us get the word out by getting our Public Service Announcement (PSA) aired. Radio broadcasts reach thousands and is an effective way to educate your community about the plight of chimpanzees in research. Submit our PSA copy to your favorite local and college radio stations. Let them know we have a prerecorded version if they prefer. Many stations have online forms or contact the station to find out what they need.
• World Animal Day Outreach: October 4th is World Animal Day. On or near this date, download our Tom ad, print it, and hang it in high-traffic areas, such as your local coffee shop, book store, etc. The ad will help drive folks to our website where they can learn about chimpanzees, legislation and how to get active.
Related News
NEAVS Compassionate Living Raffle
Tickets: $1 each or $10 per book of 10
Drawing date: October 2, 2009
Help us reach our 2009 fundraising goals: Order extra tickets to sell to friends and family! Thank you in advance for your help... and good luck!
»» Enter raffle ««
Win one of the hottest products on the market! With the iPod touch you can listen to music, watch videos and download free applications (exclusive to iTunes users) – including our Compassionate Shopping Guide. The iPod touch makes it easy to shop for information on over 250 companies, quickly finding the Leaping Bunny* certification that guarantees they are 100% free of animal testing.
First Prize: Cruelty-Free Gift Basket

*NEAVS is proud to be a founding member of the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics, which administers the Leaping Bunny program.
Fall reminder: If you are a federal employee, please sign up this fall to support NEAVS/Project R&R through the annual Combined Federal Campaign (CFC): Release Chimpanzees, CFC # 11655. We thank all of our CFC donors for their ongoing generosity!
Volunteers in Action
» Laura H., Chicago, IL - is running her second marathon to raise awareness of the Great Ape Protection Act and the plight of chimpanzees. Please help spread the word and show her your support by visiting her fundraising page and making a donation. We're rooting for you, Laura!!
» Ashlie J., Pepperell, MA - chose the Great Ape Protection Act as her topic in her college persuasive speech class. She was overwhelmed by the positive feedback - classmates signed postcards and took information to pass on to family and friends! Ashlie has been inspired by reading how other volunteers are working hard across the country :) and now plans to table at her local farmers market to help spread the word in her community.
» Barbara S., Selbyville, DE - placed our colorful and informative bookmarks at her local library, a fantastic way to get folks to understand the issue and get active. If you would like to follow Barbara's lead, email us and we'll send you bookmarks to distribute at your local library and bookstores too!
» Vicki R., San Diego, CA - has distributed over 100 legislative postcards to date in her area and is now handing out postcards and bookmarks at bookstores as well! The more postcards legislators receive from their constituents, the more inspired they will be to support the bill. As mentioned above, September is a key time to get representatives onboard! Email us for your postcards today.
» Michele M., Stratford, CT - is actively distributing GAPA pins. The pin's image of Tom - our chimpanzee ambassador - is engaging and poignant, and helps create interest and dialogue. If you would like pins to distribute, email us and we'll send you a packet for your area.
Finally, thank you to Nancy M. and Lisa B., who will be volunteering again to run our Project R&R table at the NY Capital Region Vegetarian Expo, September 19th in Saratoga Springs, NY! If you are planning on attending, please stop by the NEAVS/Project R&R table and say hello - we'll have postcards, pins and other campaign items.
"A healthy lifestyle is the first good order of healthy medicine"
Dr. Theo Capaldo, NEAVS president, will be one of the many nationally recognized speakers presenting at the Expo. The annual event promotes the benefits of green, sustainable living, animal advocacy, and healthy lifestyles. Visit for more information.
We want to share YOUR volunteer activities and stories with others. Let's keep everyone active and involved.
Don't forget: you can order as many Legislator and It's Time (to contact the labs on behalf of the Elders) postcards as needed! (Your donation to help with printing and postage is appreciated.) We also have bookmarks, buttons, and other items that help spread the word.
Keep an eye out for Project R&R eAlerts, which will give you up-to-the-minute information on the Great Ape Protection Act, H.R. 1326.
Thank you for all your good work!
- Watch for our next eBuzz in early November -
Jane's new book

We thought you’d want to know that Dr. Jane Goodall’s new book is on the shelves!
Hope for Animals and Their World: How Endangered Species Are Being Rescued from the Brink is that rare thing—a good news environmental book. It offers success stories about the often superhuman efforts of conservationists determined to save species from disappearing. Read this book and you may find yourself inspired by the fascinating people and projects related by Jane and her co-authors Thane Maynard and Gail Hudson.
Jane interweaves her own experiences with animals in the book—she’s witnessed many species recovery projects during her world travels—with the compelling research of premier scientists. The book describes amazing species both obscure and familiar, like:
- The pygmy hog — the world’s tiniest pig, no more than 1 foot high
- The American burying beetle — an insect species in which mother and father care for their young together
- The bactrian camel — a wild species reduced to 4 fragmented populations in China and Mongolia
- The always popular giant panda
Most importantly, Hope for Animals and Their World is a passionate call to action, at a time when animals and their habitats are facing rapidly growing threats. It's an inspirational message regarding the future of human coexistence with other animals.
“Goodall is no Pollyanna about species reclamation—she acknowledges that there have been more losses than gains,” says Publishers Weekly, “but these accounts of conservation success are inspirational.”
Hope for Animals and Their World: How Endangered Species Are Being Rescued from the Brink is available now. Click here to get your copy.
Thank you so much for being a part of the Jane Goodall Institute's online community.
PS: Please also visit the Hope for Animals and Their World website.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Jane Goodall's Fall Lecture Tour

Summer may be drawing to a close, but it is hard to be upset with a September this exciting to look forward to!
Dr. Goodall is coming to Canada for a whirlwind tour with a brand new book in hand. Hope for Animals and their World is an inspirational account of species from around the world that are being rescued from the brink of extinction, including some Canadian success stories like the Vancouver Island marmot, the whooping crane and the black-footed ferret. This wonderfully hopeful book will be in a store near you on September 9th.
Dr. Goodall will be making a number of public appearances while in Canada. Please join us to hear more about her new book, and about the importance of protecting Africa's Great Apes and other wildlife species.
September 23, 2009 - Sudbury, Ontario
Date: September 23
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Glad Tidings Tabernacle
Dr. Goodall will be delivering a public lecture at the Glad Tidings Tabernacle. Tickets are $35 and available at Science North
Learn more.
September 24, 2009 - Toronto, Ontario
Date: September 24
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Indigo Store, Manulife Center
Free event!
Dr. Goodall will be making a short presentation, followed by a Q&A with a special guest interviewer. A book signing will follow.
Learn more.
September 27, 2009 - Edmonton, Alberta
Date: September 27
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Northern Jubilee Auditorium, Edmonton
Dr. Goodall will be sharing centre stage at the Jubilee Auditorium with Dr. Mike Cranfield, Executive Director of the Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project. A book signing and photo opportunity with Dr. Goodall will follow.
Proceeds from the event will support the Emergency Unit and Quarantine Facility for orphaned mountain gorillas in Rumangabo, DRC.
Tickets are available through Ticketmaster.
The Jane Goodall Institute P.O. Box 309 Station P Toronto Ontario M5S 2S8 Canada
Wildlife Waystation works to evacuate exotic animals from Little Tujunga Canyon
Listen this is quite amazing!!
Presqu'à chaque matin alors que Theo a terminé son déjeuner, il grimpe jusqu'à son endroit favori : une plateforme de bois et il se met à son aise. Il incline la tête sur le côté et il émet des grognements qui sont assez spectaculaires pour nous faire savoir qu'il est un babouin vraiment heureux.
Écoutez, c'est vraiment étonnant!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Enjoying the outdoors/Profiter du plein air
This is a little hard to see but nonetheless adorable. Sue Ellen with her blanket over her head sitting out on an island structure...she does love her blankets!!
C'est un peu difficile à voir mais c'est tellement adorable. Sue Ellen avec sa couverture sur la tête assise sur l'une des structures des îles... elle adore vraiment ses couvertures!
Pougie qui s'amuse dans son tunnel suspendu!
Jethro loves the islands and was exploring his new little house with windows that was made for camp out week. He was having a blast playing in it and goofing off with us at the same time he was being quite funny. In this photo he kept on sticking his head out the door to play and then he would roll back in and make play faces through the lexan window!! A quick shot from the camera and this is what he looked like!!!
What a guy!!
Jethro adore les îles et il était en train d'explorer sa nouvelle petite maison avec fenêtres qui avait été montée pour la semaine de camping. Il s'amusait tellement à l'intérieur et faisait des âneries en nous faisant rigoler. Dans cette photo, il sortait la tête par l'ouverture de la porte pour jouer et ensuite il roulait vers l'intérieur et nous regardait par la fenêtre en faisant des grimaces! Cette image a été croquée sur le vif et voici ce qu'il avait l'air!
And here he found a frozen treat all to himself!!
Ici, il a trouvé une gâterie glacée juste pour lui!
When Maya is in the tunnel she almost always chooses the very end where it connects to the first island. There she gets all the sun and she also can observe anyone that is outside...Here she is watching me trying to get her picture!!
Lorsque Maya est à l'intérieur du tunnel, elle choisit presque toujours l'extrémité où ça communique avec la première île. À cet endroit elle obtient le maximum de soleil et elle peut également observer tout ceux qui se trouvent à l'extérieur... Sur cette image elle me regarde alors que j'essaie de la prendre en photo!!
Newton chilling on his tree post!!
Newton qui relaxe sur son tronc d'arbre!

Pepper and her favourite food!
Voici Pepper qui machonne de la bette et de la laitue à feuille rouge provenant directement du jardin de la Maison des chimpanzés! Jethro, silencieux, la regarde effeuiller délicatement chacune des feuilles sur la tige..
Pepper is serving herself from a nice basket of fresh cherry tomatoes, she was quite happy to eat the whole thing by herself, no sharing today!! Jethro is enjoying his tasty red delicious apple!! Regis made a quick appearance to see what was going on but he was not interested so off he went!
Pepper choisit elle-même des petites tomates cerises dans un panier bien rempli. Elle était très contente de manger tout ce qu'il contenait. Pas de partage aujourd'hui! Jethro se régale d'une pomme Red Delicious! Vraiment délicieuse! Regis était de passage quelques instants et est reparti aussitôt par manque d'intérêt!
Pepper loves it when we have lunch outside at the chimp house, she patiently awaits her plate full of all of our lunches!! Here she is enjoying her plate of humus, baguette bread, and vine leaves !! Sue Ellen also has a nice big mouth full of Cindys' homemade humus!!
Pepper aime beaucoup lorsque nous dînons à l'extérieur de la Maison des chimpanzés. Elle attend patiemment son assiette remplie de tous nos lunchs! La voici en train de se régaler d'une assiette avec du hummus, une baguette de pain et des feuilles de vignes! On peut voir aussi Sue Ellen avec une grosse bouchée du hummus maison de Cindy!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Pougie's profile on our site.../Le profil de Pougie sur notre site
Dearly Departed/Décès
It is with great regret that we must announce the passing of two of Faunas farm animals.
C'est avec regret que nous annonçons le départ de deux animaux de ferme à Fauna.
Stubby our Vietnamese pot bellied pigs
and Larry our highlander cow.
Stubby l'un de nos cochons vietnamiens et Larry notre boeuf Highland.
We will miss them dearly!!
Ils nous manqueront terriblement!!