Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Great Gifts for the Chimps/Superbes cadeaux pour les chimpanzés

All the chimps' favourite stuff from Sonia Boulet & Roger Roy
Tous les jouets et articles favoris des chimpanzés de la part de Sonia Boulet et Roger Roy

Marie-Josee Methot....all sorts of fun stuff!!
Marie-Josée Methot... plein de choses intéressantes!!

Heather Taylor, the stuffed chimpanzee is just amazing...
Heather Taylor, le chimpanzé en peluche est tout simplement super...

Lyne Charron one of faunas longtime volunteers brought some great things...all the chimps love the back scratchers, especially Rachel. And Pepper loves to clean with the flowered brushes!
Lyne Charron, l'une de nos bénévoles de longue date a amené de belles choses... Tous les chimpanzés adorent les "grattes-dos", surtout Rachel. Et Pepper aime bien nettoyer avec les brosses fleuries!

In honor of World Aids Day

Project R&R: Release and Restitution for Chimpanzees in U.S. Laboratories

Yoko © Fauna Foundation (see story below)

In Honor of World AIDS Day

"I have lost friends, teachers, and colleagues to this disease. Today I watch with those who are waiting for a cure. In loving recognition, I ask that we move towards humane and scientifically superior research that will give all of us the promise of an end to HIV/AIDS." - Karen S., NEAVS staff

NEAVS/Project R&R continues to advocate for better science. In honor of World AIDS Day, a day of international awareness about HIV and AIDS, we are asking our supporters to reach out to their Representatives in support of the Great Ape Protection Act (H.R.1326), a bill to end chimpanzee research.Great http://www.releasechimps.org/mission/change-laws/the-great-ape-protection-act/

Why today?

The use of chimpanzees was once hailed as “the key” to a cure for AIDS. Yet AIDS continues to kill millions worldwide, in spite of the large number of chimpanzees bred and historically used in HIV/AIDS research. http://www.releasechimps.org/harm-suffering/research-current/hivaids-debacle/

Today, HIV research using chimpanzees represents an extremely small, nearly non-existent percent of all HIV research – an admission by scientists that the chimpanzee model of AIDS/HIV is a failure. Still, a few studies backed by federal funding continue.

Please contact your legislator and ask them to support the Great Ape Protection Act (H.R. 1326) by signing on as a cosponsor. If they have already signed on as a cosponsor, please thank them.

To find your legislator, click here : http://neavs.convio.net/site/PageServer?pagename=FindElectedOfficials
To see if they are already signed on, click here. http://my.neavs.org/site/DocServer/2009_great_ape_cosponsors.pdf?docID=161

Despite the failure of chimpanzee use to prevent or cure HIV/AIDS, some researchers are calling for a return of their use to study the disease. “An Assessment of the Role of Chimpanzees in AIDS Vaccine Research,” http://www.releasechimps.org/pdfs/chimpanzees-and-human-cancer-research.pdf published in 2008 and authored by Project R&R’s Science Director and geneticist Jarrod Bailey, Ph.D., investigated chimpanzees use in HIV/AIDS vaccine development. This paper: http://www.releasechimps.org/flawed-science/dangerous-and-unnecessary/the-case-to-end-chimpanzee-research/ demonstrated that a return to chimpanzee use would be not only non-productive, but even counterproductive to scientific progress in preventing and conquering AIDS.

Touched by HIV/AIDS:
the story of one HIV research survivor

Purchased from a circus at age 7, Yoko http://www.releasechimps.org/chimpanzees/their-stories/yoko/was sent to the Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Primates in 1981. He was used extensively in research and infected with both HIV and hepatitis C – today he tests negative for both. Why? Although HIV can replicate in their bodies, chimpanzees infected with HIV do not become sick with symptoms of AIDS.

Now in sanctuary at Fauna, Yoko has become very social and can often be found in a grooming circle of friends. A fast runner who loves to play chase, he is a very small adult male, but what he lacks in size he makes up for in personality.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Dearly Departed/Chers défunts

It is with great regret that we must announce the parting of our sweet little guinea pig Squeak Squeak...he got his name, because, every morning when we went up to feed him he greeted us by standing up at the top of the stairs squeaking at us non stop until we acknowledged him and said hi...we will miss his little quarks very much.

C'est avec grand regret que nous vous annonçons le décès de notre adorable petit cochon d'Inde Squeak Squeak... Son nom lui a été donné parce-qu'à tous les matins lorsque nous allions le nourrir il nous accueillait tout en haut de l'escalier en faisant des petits "squeak" jusqu'à ce qu'on lui dise bonjour... Ces petits bruits nous manqueront beaucoup.

Unfortunately Melodie our goat that came from the Quebec city zoo has also passed. An Ultrasound was performed, as well as, cultures and blood tests sent. Melodie was a perfect patient, and we were thankful for the special attention she received in the end. Melodie was diagnosed with Caseous Lymphadenitis; a chronic disease of the lymph system. Nodes caused by a bacteria, a chronic disease that is incurable. Symptoms are similar to those of tuberculosis. When Melodie arrived at Fauna she had already been having serious problems. She only spent two years with us and was a favorite of all. Melancolie, her Mother, as well as all of fauna will miss her dearly.

Malheureusement Melodie, notre chèvre qui provenait du zoo de Québec, nous a également quitté. Un ultrason a été effectué en plus de cultures et de formules sanguines. Melodie était une patiente exemplaire et nous sommes heureux de toute l'attention qu'elle a obtenu au cours de cette période. Une maladie chronique du système lymphatique a été identifiée. Les nodules ont été causés par une bactérie engendrant ainsi une maladie chronique incurable. Les symptômes sont semblables à la turberculose. Lorsque Melodie arriva à Fauna, elle avait déjà des problèmes graves. Elle vécut parmis nous deux années et elle était aimée de tous. Elle manquera à Mélancolie, sa mère, et toute l'équipe de Fauna.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Correction Requested to Readers Digest Article Refused

In the latest issue of Readers Digest there was a statement published that was not accurate, Gloria Grow founder of the Fauna Foundation requested the following correction to be printed in the next issue, however, we were told the article was fine and that it would not be printed.

To: Robert Goyette, Editor in Chief
From: Gloria Grow, founder, Fauna Foundation

Dear Mr. Goyette,

It is very much appreciated if you would print the following letter/correction in your next issue. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you. Gloria Grow


In her article “Retirement Refuge,” Anne Mullens gives readers a glimpse into the lives of chimpanzees rescued from research and Fauna Foundation’s mission. I would like to make one correction. Ms. Mullens wrote: “ [Gloria Grow] acknowledges that in some cases, to save human or even chimp lives, it may be impossible to do away with all medical research on chimpanzees.” This is inaccurate. I work to rescue chimps from labs and to end the use of all chimpanzees in research because I do not believe their sacrifice has been necessary or beneficial to humans. Several scientific papers attest to the reality that research on chimpanzees has not helped in our quest for an AIDS vaccine, understanding or treating cancer and other diseases, nor, in the vast majority of cases, ever cited in papers regarding human health. Further, field study in Africa is leading to information on their own health without harm or confinement to them. I and others believe that ending laboratory research on chimpanzees will have no negative implications for human health and would free up funding for more productive research.


It would most certainly help out if Readers digest would know that this retraction is important and must be published. Let them kindly know that this must be taken care of immediately.

Pepper's Birthday/L'anniversaire de Pepper

It is Pepper's 39th birthday today December 3rd. Pepper has not had an easy life. She was either born in the lab or wild caught as an infant. Her records have not let us determine her exact origin. Pepper was moved around to various research facilities until she ended up at LEMSIP in 1984 at the age of fourteen. Pepper is still terrified to this day to be confined to small spaces. Pepper is a sweet tender chimpanzee that has her very special human friends and her very best friend Sue Ellen; they are inseparable. She adores spending her time in the warm sun out on the islands picking fresh leaves and blades of grass. With the colder weather she enjoys her big cozy beds in the front window.

Make someone happy and Adopt Pepper as a special Christmas gift!

C'est l'anniversaire de Pepper qui célèbre aujourd'hui, le 3 décembre, ses 39 ans. Pepper n'a pas connu une vie facile. Née en laboratoire ou capturée enfant, malheureusement son dossier ne nous laisse aucun indice au sujet de ses origines. Pepper a été en transition dans plusieurs établissements de recherche jusqu'au moment ou elle arriva à LEMSIP en 1994 à l'âge de 14 ans. À ce jour, Pepper est terrifiée de se retrouver dans des endroits restraints.

Elle est tellement douce et adorable. Miss Pepper a plusieurs amis humains et sa copine préférée est Sue Ellen. Elles sont inséparables. De vraie siamoises. Elle adore passer du temps sur les îles sous le soleil chaud à sélectionner de jeunes pousses et des herbes. Par temps plus froid, elle aime bien s'emmitouffler dans ses lits douillets près de la fenêtre avant.

À Noel, offrez en cadeau une adoption de Pepper à quelqu'un qui vous est cher!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas wish list for our little Monkeys/Liste de cadeaux de Noel pour les petits singes

- Set of 3 tennis balls (in container)
- Freezable baby teethers
- Fisher Price Brilliant Basics Rock-A-Stack
- Ultra Kong - various sizes (black, not red)
- Jolly Ball - scented, unscented, large, small
- Rubbermaid Microwave Heatables dish with multiple sections
- Small Sippy Cups
- Cat Nail Clippers (scissor type)
- Plastic Chewable Dog Bones (NylaBone)
- Small carpets (bathroom mat types)
- Plastic balls with holes in them for nuts

Liste de cadeaux de Noël pour les petits singes:

- Jeu de 3 balles de tennis balls (dans un boîtier)
- Anneaux de dentition pour bébé (pouvant être congelés)
- Jeu ‘Brilliant Basics Rock-A-Stack’ de Fisher Price
- Ultra Kong – de grandeurs variées (de couleur noire seulement)
- Jolly Ball – parfumée, sans parfum, de taille grande et petite
- Plats multisectionels à réchauffer au four micro-ondes de Rubbermaid
- Petits tasses avec couvercle à bec verseur (sippy cup)
- Couple-ongles pour chat (de type ciseau)
- Os à ronger en caoutchouc (pour chien)
- Petites couvertures en molleton
- Tapis de salle de bain

Seattle Metropolitan magazine article on CSNW

Why Is This Chimp Smiling?

Seven apes arrived last year in Cle Elum. They’d been used up by medical science and the entertainment industry—and left to rot in tiny cages. Then one man showed them the depths of human kindness.....

Click below for the full story http://www.seattlemet.com/issues/archives/articles/chimpanzee-sanctuary-northwest-1209/

Why Is This Chimp Smiling?

Sept chimpanzés sont arrivés l'an dernier à Cle Elum. Ils ont été utilisés par le domaine de la science médicale et l'industrie du divertissement - et laissés dans leur cage pour y mourir. Puis un homme leur montra l'étendue de la bonté humaine. Cliquez sur le lien ci-haut pour l'histoire intégrale...

Monday, November 30, 2009

Rachel's Birthday/Anniversaire de Rachel

Today November 27th is Rachel’s 27th birthday, Rachel was born in a primate breeding facility, purchased by an animal breeder and was then sold to a family in Florida. Rachel lived the first years of her life as a human child. She wore clothes, slept in beds and ate at the table with utensils, at 3 years old she was sold to LEMSIP laboratory as a research subject. Rachel did not fare well in research and had severe panic attacks and still suffers on occasion from a syndrome called floating hand. During these episodes Rachel believes her hand is not her own, biting it as it slaps her and pokes her in the eyes. Luckily these episodes are few and far between. Rachel has many chimpanzee friends but her best buddy is Toby. When they are apart it usually only lasts a couple of days, and then Rachel is quite anxious to be back together with her friend. Rachel is happiest when she is outside in the sun or in the sky walk. She loves hot tea and muffins in the morning and all cooked foods she is served especially mashed sweet potatoes. She also enjoys Sundays with all her special human friends.

Aujourd'hui, le 30 novembre, Rachel fête ses 27 ans. Elle est née dans un établissement destiné à l'élevage des primates, achetée par un éleveur et vendue à une famille habitant en Floride. Rachel a vécu sa première année comme un enfant humain. Elle portait des vêtements, dormait dans un lit et mangeait à la table avec des ustensiles. À trois ans, elle fut vendue au laboratoire LEMSIP pour le département de recherche. Rachel n'a pas bien réagit au laboratoire et elle développa des crises d'angoisse sévères et, occasionnellement, elle souffre encore aujourd'hui du syndrome de la main flottante. Lors de ces épisodes, Rachel croit que sa main n'est pas la sienne et la mordille alors que la main la frappe et lui blesse les yeux. Heureusement, ces épisodes sont peu fréquentes et de plus en plus dispersées dans le temps.

"Rach" a plusieurs amis mais son copain préféré c'est Toby. Elle s'ennuie lorsqu'elle est séparée de Toby pour plusieurs jours et a très hâte d'être réunie avec lui. Rachel est tellement heureuse lorsqu'elle est à l'extérieur au soleil ou dans la passerelle aérienne. Elle adore le thé bien chaud, les muffins qui lui sont servis le matin et tous les repas cuisinés notamment les pommes de terre sucrés pilés. Rach aime bien aussi les dimanches pour passer du temps avec ses amis humains.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fauna in Readers Digest/Fauna dans le Readers Digest

Get your December Issue of Readers Digest and check out the 8 page spread on Fauna titled: Retirement Refuge by Anne Mullens

Procurez-vous le Readers Digest du mois de décembre et lisez l'article de 8 pages à propos de Fauna: Retirement Refuge de Anne Mullens

Monday, November 23, 2009

Project R&R Action Alert

Project R&R: Release and Restitution for Chimpanzees in U.S. Laboratories

Pepper's Birthday is December 3rd

Pepper at LEMSIP © Fauna Pepper today at Fauna © Fauna

Let's give Pepper her best birthday ever.

Tell your legislator Pepper is asking for support.

Twelve years ago Pepper, NEAVS' adopted chimpanzee, was rescued from the Laboratory for Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Primates (LEMSIP) by the Fauna Foundation sanctuary. Her records were incomplete and so, like many chimpanzees, Pepper was assigned her own special birthday. Every year on December 3rd, Fauna celebrates Pepper with a party and lots of extra TLC.

Pepper is playing a crucial role in the growing success of the Great Ape Protection Act (H.R. 1326) which has more than 100 cosponsors. Her story is being told to millions through news stories, presentations, articles, documentaries, and in NEAVS' outreach YouTube message.

Help us reach the goal of 112 cosponsors by December 3rd in honor of Pepper's 12 years in sanctuary. Please contact your representative TODAY. Ask him or her to sign on to the Great Ape Protection Act (H.R 1326).

Click below to go to our GAPA petition page.
Take Action Today!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Video: Dr. Bailey weighs in on debate

Tuesday - November 17, 2009 (posted in Related News)

Jarrod Bailey, PhD, NEAVS/Project R&R science director and author of several studies -
on the use of chimpanzees in human health research, was recently interviewed for Defining Person, a feature-length documentary film that explores the implications of the international movement to change the legal status of chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans from property to person.

Click Below to view video

Mardi le 17 novembre 2009 (affiché dans nouvelles)

Jarrod Bailey, PhD, Directeur de science NEAVS/Project R&R et auteur de plusieurs études -
sur l'utilisation des chimpanzés dans la recherche sur la santé humaine, a été interviewé sur Defining Person, un documentaire long métrage qui fait un survol des conséquences possibles du mouvement international qui vise à changer le statut légal des chimpanzés, bonobos, gorilles et orangoutans de propriété à personne.

Cliquez sur le lien suivant pour visionner la vidéo

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Animals Matter To Me - Update

Since 2007, WSPA Canada has been working tirelessly to convince the Canadian government to support our campaign to achieve a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare (UDAW). We gathered thousands of petitions, presented our case at countless meetings, and made hundreds of phone calls. We're thrilled to annouce that it worked. Our Members of Parliament heard us.

In a landmark decision on November 6, MPs from all four political parties unanimously adopted a motion which calls on the Canadian government to support (in principle) the development of a UDAW. The motion was put forward by Liberal MP Michelle Simson (Scarborough Southwest) and seconded by NDP MP Bill Siksay (Burnaby Douglas). This makes Canada a leader. We are the first North American country to express support for a UDAW.

We could have never achieved this milestone without your help.

Thank you.

MPs debate the importance of animal welfare:


Say 'thanks' for a job well done, email your MP now>>

This means that Canada is one giant step closer to fully endorsing the campaign, but there are a few more important steps on this journey...

1. Very soon, WSPA will meet with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to confirm that the government will commit to and support, in principle, the development of a UDAW.

2. The actual details of the UDAW will be negotiated and finalized by key countries.

3. Finally, Canada must then agree to and endorse the UDAW.

The WSPA campaign to achieve a UDAW was supported by our member societies and more than 75,000 Canadians who signed petitions and sent more than 25,000 individual letters to MPs and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. There is still lots of work to be done, and as we carry this campaign forward we hope you will continue to support us and lend your voice to the campaign.

Please say thanks for a job well done, send a thank you e-mail to your MP.

With thanks and appreciation,

Silia Smith
Regional Director
WSPA Canada

Thursday, November 12, 2009

12th Anniversary of the Last Group to arrive at Fauna/12ième anniversaire de l'arrivée du dernier groupe à Fauna

November 12th marks the 12th year anniversary of the last group of labratory chimpanzees to arrive at Fauna; Tom, Yoko and Jeannie. The very first Chimpanzees in the world with HIV virus to ever be released to Sanctuary; as well as being some of the very first Chimpanzees to be used for HIV research.
Le 12 novembre c'est le 12ième anniversaire de l'arrivée du dernier groupe de chimpanzés de laboratoire (Tom, Yoko et Jeannie) qui ont été accueillis ici à Fauna. Les tout premiers chimpanzés au monde à avoir le virus du VIH, à être relâchés en sanctuaire en plus d'être parmi les premiers chimpanzés à avoir servi pour la recherche sur le VIH.

Jeannie 1975-2007
(to learn more about Jeannie visit our January postings)
(visitez les commentaires du mois de janvier pour en savoir plus sur Jeannie)



Saturday, November 7, 2009

Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare (UDAW)

This November, a Private Member's motion in support of a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare (UDAW) is scheduled to be debated for the second time in Canada's House of Commons. Sponsored by Michelle Simson (MP for Scarborough Southwest) and seconded by Bill Siksay (MP for Burnaby-Douglas), the motion had its first hour of debate on October 1st. It reads as follows:

‘That, in the opinion of the House, the government should support, in principle, the development of a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare at all relevant International organizations and forums.’

Urge your MP to support Motion M-354 >>

Parliamentary support for UDAW would send a strong message to our goverment that Animals Matter - to Parliament, and to the more than 70,000 Canadians who have signed petitions and sent letters on this issue. Please take a moment to email your MP now (even if you have already emailed them in the past on this issue) and urge him/her to support Motion M-354.

We need to get as many letters to MPs as possible before the vote: forward this email, encourage as many people as you can to join you and stand up for animal welfare in Canada.

A UDAW would be a powerful catalyst for change ­ inspiring the creation of national laws for the prevention of cruelty to animals where they do not exist and encouraging all nations to look for ways to improve their laws and standards for the prevention of cruelty to, and proper care and treatment of animals.

With thanks and appreciation,

Silia Smith
Regional Director
WSPA Canada


Grace Slick Asks Congress to End Chimpanzee Experiments

Posted on Oct 30th 2009 9:55AM by John D. Luerssen
Comments (14)
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Grace Slick http://www.spinner.ca/tag/GraceSlick/ of
Jefferson Airplane http://www.spinner.ca/tag/JeffersonAirplane/ ,
Jefferson Starship http://www.spinner.ca/tag/Starship/ and
Starship fame http://www.spinner.ca/tag/Starship/ -- is urging Congress to end experiments on chimpanzees. Slick, whose 70th birthday is today, recorded a voicemail http://www.pcrmaudio.org/grace_slick/gapa.wav inviting politicians to a Capitol Hill multimedia exhibit http://www.pcrm.org/resch/gapa/gallery.html about chimps with the hope that they will move to phase out the use of the animals in invasive experiments and retire all federally-owned chimpanzees to sanctuaries.

The voice behind 'Somebody to Love' and 'We Built This City' is working in partnership with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine on the initiative, which supports the Towns-Reichert Great Ape Protection Act. In her voicemail, delivered Monday night, Slick said, "We all need somebody to love, so I was shocked to learn that laboratories can keep chimpanzees locked up in metal cages about the size of a kitchen table. It's time for to join the long list of countries that prohibit invasive experiments on these amazingly intelligent animals."

The exhibit was designed to draw attention to the ethical and scientific implications of chimpanzee experiments. According to the PCRM, when used in experiments, chimpanzees suffer from early separation from their mothers, social isolation, prolonged captivity, sensory deprivation and repeated physical harm. The Great Ape Protection Act would end invasive research on chimpanzees, release federally owned chimps to the aforementioned sanctuaries and end federal funding for the breeding of federally owned chimpanzees.

A message from Theodora Capaldo, President of NEAVS

Dear NEAVS Board, Project R&R Advisory Board, and Special Friends:

I wanted to share the message I just received from one of the editors of the Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, in which first NEAVS/Project R&R’s first psychology paper, Building an Inner Sanctuary: Complex PTSD in Chimpanzees, was published in the 9(1) issue. I have forwarded his message below; see especially the section we highlighted. I hope you share our pride in the good work we are doing and the recognition it is receiving. Given that journal editors can be somewhat traditional, we are particularly pleased by the journal’s response. The paper – and our strategy to “fight science with science” – is obviously hitting its mark. I want to take this opportunity to again thank the authors and coauthors on all of the papers we have published to date.

And, thanks to all of you for helping us build the support necessary to challenge the science, ethics, and economics of the use of chimpanzees in research. With 87 cosponsors (to date) on board for the Great Ape Protection Act – a number that is growing weekly – we are getting closer to the day when this cruel and unnecessary research ends for good.

Theodora Capaldo, Ed.D.

New England Anti-Vivisection Society
Project R&R: Release and Restitution for Chimpanzees in U.S. Laboratories

From: Beppler, Sean
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2009 2:56 PM
To: Release Chimps
Subject: Building an Inner Sanctuary: Complex PTSD in Chimpanzees


Regarding the publication: Building an Inner Sanctuary: Complex PTSD in Chimpanzees, G.A. Bradshaw, Ph.D., Ph.D, Theodora Capaldo, Ed.D., Lorin Lindner, Ph.D., M.P.H., and Gloria Grow, Sanctuary Director; published in Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, vol 9, iss 1, 2008; which is already linked to on your homepage –

I wished to let you know that this article has been made freely accessible. Currently, your link goes to an executive summary of the article, which is fine, but if you care to, you’re free to link to the full article at:


I would only ask that you link to this article, rather than posting the pdf of the full article on your site.

After we were made aware that this article had been published, what it dealt with, and that there were advocates pushing to pass a law preventing some forms of research on chimpanzees based in part on this work, we realized there was no reason to withhold access.

We wish you the best,


Sean Beppler

Associate Editor

Taylor & Francis

Friday, November 6, 2009

2nd Year Anniversary of Spock, Maya and Sophie's arrival


Today marks the second year anniversary of the arrival of the Spock, Maya and Sophie from the Quebec City zoo. Unfortunately Sophie did not make her first year anniversary she passed away on April 23rd, 2008. (See the month of June 08 for more about Sophie) Spock and Maya have adjusted well to their new home and have made new friends. Tom and Spock are now best buddies. Maya and Binky have become very fond of each other, as well as, Toby and Maya.

Spock & Maya

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Chimpanzees' grief caught on camera in Cameroon

A group of chimpanzees have been photographed seemingly grieving for the death of one of their own in Cameroon.

By Chris Irvine
Published: 10:51AM GMT 27 Oct 2009

Grief-stricken chimpanzees mourning the death of a fellow ape Photo: MONICA SZCZUPIDER/SOLENT
More than a dozen chimps stand in silence watching from behind their wire enclosure as Dorothy, a chimp in her late 40s who died of heart failure, is wheeled past them.
The chimps are from the Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center in Cameroon. Locals from the village work as "care-givers" for the orphaned animals whose mothers were all killed for the illegal bushmeat trade.

The photo was taken by Monica Szczupider, who was working at the centre.
Speaking about Dorothy, Miss Szczupider, 30, said the chimp was a "prominent figure" within a group of about 25 chimps.
"Chimps are not silent. They are gregarious, loud, vocal creatures, usually with relatively short attention spans", she said.
"But they could not take their eyes off Dorothy, and their silence, more than anything, spoke volumes."
The scene, which can be seen in November's issue of National Geographic, is reminiscent of the gorilla Gana, who grieved of the loss of her baby in her compound at Muenster zoo in northern Germany. Gana fiercely held on to the corpse of her three-month-old baby Claudio until zoo keepers were eventually able to retrieve his body.
Scientists have previously discounted opinions of those who claim animals feel emotions as overly anthropomorphic. But a number of have also recognised that we must be anthropomorphic when discussing animal emotions.
Dr Marc Bekoff, of the University of Colorado, previously wrote for The Telegraph: "That animals and humans share many traits including emotions is merely an extension of Charles Darwin's accepted ideas about evolutionary continuity, that the differences between species are differences in degree rather than differences in kind. The seemingly natural human urge to impart emotions on to animals, far from obscuring the "true" nature of animals, may actually reflect a very accurate way of knowing."
He has previously published observations of a magpie 'funeral' where a group of four magpies took it turns to approach the corpse of a dead bird, before two flew off to return with a piece of grass and lay it down beside the body. He also claims to have seen emotions in elephants.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Urgent Action Needed - Baby Chimpanzee on Desperate Houswives

Tonight on ABC - Desperate Housewives episode will be featuring a baby chimpanzee!!

Here is the episode trailer:


Please, let ABC know that is not acceptable and that your are dissapointed that they have used a primate in their show, and that you will not be supporting their network if action is not taken.

Write to ABC:


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Urgent Action Needed-TLC show My Baby Monkey

Please call Eileen O’Neil, the general manager at The Learning Channel at 240-662-2000 and let her know what you think about the show "My Baby Monkey" and then send an email to Jennifer_marburg@discovery.com about how disappointed you are about the show. Please ask them to give the other side of the story before many more monkey lives are ruined!

The show airs on TLC (The Learning Channel) Sunday night

A documentary airing on TLC looks at couples who adopt baby capuchins as children.

If you did not see the Good Morning America segment about My Monkey Baby, here is the link

Monkey Babies: Couples Treat Adopted Monkeys as Children, 'Monkids' - ABC News

Source: abcnews.go.com


Please write to GMA and tell them what you think about their story about the new show "My Monkey Baby"!

I guess they didn't notice how many of the monkeys in the show had NO TEETH or notice the junk food they were being fed, and they most certainly did not talk about the fact that these surrogate monkey children were stolen from their natural mothers! ABC knows better, David Muir has been to Jungle Friends! They need to do another story to undo the damage done by their segment this morning! Please tell them to contact sanctuaries and let us tell our stories! (Kari Bagnall)

This is important, please, take a minute to write a letter. Sanctuaries have already been contacted on how and where to purchase baby monkeys!!

Special Thanks to ABC Dancing with the Strars

Dancing with the Stars was going to using a chimpanzee on it's Oct. 6th show to predict the winner. However, thanks to may e-mail and one especially from Shirley McGreal from IPPL. Executive producer Conrad Green decided to re-cut the package they were to use on the show to remove any footage of the chimpanzee they filmed...! Proof that speaking out does work!!

It is as important now to , please, reach out to ABC to let them know that we appreciate the fact that the segment was pulled....


Here is a copy of the e-mail sent to ABC and their response.

On 10/6/09 8:56 AM, "Shirley McGreal"

Dear Mr. Green,
I hope you are not going to use a performing chimpanzee in your "Dancing with the Stars" show. I don't see any point. Promotion of primates in entertainment only encourages people to see them as objects of ridicule and encourages the primate pet craze which victimizes so many primates pulled from their mothers as babies and forced to live in human households or training camps and conform to human expectations, wear silly clothes, etc. until the owner gets sick of them or badly bitten and tries to dump them on over-filled under-funded sanctuaries.

Please don't exploit chimpanzees. Assuming you pay their "trainers," they are making money off the suffering of innocent animals.

Sincerely yours, Shirley McGreal

Dr. Shirley McGreal, OBE, Chairwoman

E-mail - smcgreal@ippl.org, Web: www.ippl.org Working to Protect All Primates Since 1973

Dear Shirley,

Thank you for your e-mail. We decided to use the chimpanzee for a package today and taped the package last week. While I didn't personally attend the shoot, I'm assured that throughout the shoot the chimpanzee seemed happy and well-treated. We have followed the network's broadcast standards guidelines in the setting up of this shoot and the process was overseen by the American Humane Association. We really have tried everything we can to ensure that we did this the right way and would never have proceeded if we thought that the animal was in distress or being ill-treated.

However, I wasn't aware of the information you have kindly provided about the way that chimpanzees are sometimes treated when trained for entertainment purposes. While I have no reason to believe that the chimp we used was treated in this way I do appreciate your point that showing a chimpanzee on our show may indirectly lead to other chimpanzees being ill-treated in the future. If I had been aware of the information you outlined below I wouldn't have proceeded with the shoot in the first place, so I've decided on balance to re-cut the package we use in tonight's show to remove any footage of the chimpanzee. While I can't undo the fact that we did shoot with a chimpanzee I will be sure we don't do this again in the future.

I hope this allays your concerns and I appreciate you getting in touch with me. We would never intentionally harm an animal in the process of making our show, and I hope you can continue to enjoy Dancing With the Stars in the future. I may send this e-mail to other people who have objected to the use of a chimpanzee on the show... I hope you don't mind. I'm rather pressed for time today and can't craft an individual response to everyone!

Yours sincerely

Conrad Green

Executive Producer

Dancing With the Stars

R&R October eNews

Project R&R Responds to Thai Vaccine Study

On September 24, 2009, results from an HIV vaccine clinical trial (known as the Thai Phase III HIV vaccine study or RV144) revealed a new experimental vaccine to be 31 percent effective in preventing HIV infection. Over 16,000 men and women participated in the trial, which was conducted in Thailand by the Thai Ministry of Public Health and sponsored by the U.S. Army Surgeon General in collaboration with the Department of Defense and the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

This is welcome news, but according to Dr. Jarrod Bailey, Science Director of Project R&R, optimism should be guarded. Read more...

Great Ape Protection Act Update

70 Cosponsors Now on Bill

Thanks to supporters like you across the country who are contacting their representatives, the Great Ape Protection Act is now up to 70 cosponsors. The bill is currently in the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Please call your representative and ask him/her to support H.R. 1326, the Great Ape Protection Act, by cosponsoring the bill. If your rep is already on board as a cosponsor, ask that s/he strongly supports it through to passage. Please also help us get even more cosponsors on board by asking at least two other constituents – your neighbors, friends, family – to contact their Reps as well.

Compassionate Living Raffle Winners are In!

Congratulations to the winners of our 2009 Compassionate Living Raffle, Dawn C. of Halifax, MA and Sandee G. of Chesterville, ME

We thank everyone who participated by buying or selling tickets, raising critical funds for our work to end animal testing and promote non-animal alternatives. Your efforts help prevent the needless suffering of millions of animals and lead to better science for humans.

You can continue to help us meet our year-end fundraising goals by donating here.