Monday, February 9, 2009

Today is Spocks Birthday!

Spock is 33 today!!

Spock is quite a handsome chimp; he has a speckled face and the cutest little lips. He has made some new friends since his arrival like Jethro and Pepper. He is a nervous guy so sometimes his insecurities get him in trouble with the other folks. Luckily he still has his friend Maya. Spock loves his morning smoothie and muffin and he is our tester for new cooked meals. He especially loves to play chase with his human friends, with his little foot popping up as he takes off running!

A special note from Sylvie Poulin Spock, Maya and Sophies' keeper from the zoo.

On this beautiful sunny day, I wanted to give my good old friend a message:
Hello my handsome Spock; today you are 33, it is a venerable age, Congratulations. You still have many more beautiful years to live with your new friends, and as you can see your old friend from Quebec has not forgotten you. I am sending you big kisses and a big hug on your nice big hands. Tell Maya to keep looking out for you, you nervous little guy
Sylvie Poulin from Quebec

En cette belle journée ensoleillée, je voulais te transmettre un message pour mon bon vieil ami Spock:

Bonjour beau Spock; aujourd'hui, tu as 33 ans , c'est un âge vénérable Bravo, tu as encore des belles années à vivre avec tes nouveaux amis, et comme tu vois ta vieille amie de Québec ne t'oublie pas. je t'envoie un gros bisou et une belle caresse sur tes belles grosses mains. Dis à Maya de continuer à veiller sur toi , le gros craintif... le bon bonhomme! Sylvie Poulin de Québec.

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